Either artistic license, or really really bad ;)
If you did all that crap on purpose, then it was pretty funny. That's what a lot of beginner flash movies sometimes look like.
Either artistic license, or really really bad ;)
If you did all that crap on purpose, then it was pretty funny. That's what a lot of beginner flash movies sometimes look like.
i did it for the lulz
You definitely outdid yourself
Way to keep up your promise! I knew you would come through, but not like this! Fantastic soundtrack by the way. I am impressed. And I love how you actually integrated an exciting and intricate plot, all the while never forgetting Block Head's absurd silliness coming up at every moment. You really raised some interesting questions, such as Block Head's previous relationship with the scientist. Let's hope you get this on the front page. You earned it.
Finally You're on the Front Page!!!
Awsome work, especially on the voices! Now we need to get you a series block on Newgrounds. I look forward to your next movie! Been a fan a long time and to see you on the front page made my day. Oh, and I love the Tongs theme. Where can I get it? Keep doing what you do.
Haha, you think you were glad to see Ep.5 on the front page? I released it on the same day as four outher huge projects came out, and I was convinced it was going to disappear with a mere 8K views. Yet a week and some days later, the NG boys pinned it up. Whew!
And I'm not gonna bug em' about a series...unless that's what I'm supposed to do. I figure they'll know if and when it's time for BH to have his own little corner to call home.
Perhaps after the next huge rlease, hmm?
(Thanks for the review! And for sticking around with Blockhead so long.)
Joined on 12/2/05